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vuejs v-for with django not working for dynamic data

I am implementing a table using vuejs + django. When I am declaring row and column statically, it is working. but when I am taking the value from django, it is not working anymore, though it is printing correct value.

My HTML code looks like

{% verbatim %}
        <div class="col-9">
            <label><h4>Position</h4></label> col: {{tableCols}} : row: {{tableRows}}   (here it is printing correct value)
                <tr v-for="row in tableRows">
                    <td v-for="col in tableCols"
                        v-bind:class="{selected: selectedData === counter(row,col)}"


        <input type="hidden" name="containerIDs" v-model="selectedData">

        {% endverbatim %}

and vuejs code looks like

new Vue({

    el: '#testtube',
    data: {
        tableCols : "{{testtubeplate.number_of_columns}}", // 12,
        tableRows : "{{testtubeplate.number_of_rows}}", //8,
        rowName: RowName,
        selectedData: [],
        cellNo: 0,

    methods: { 

in HTML I have printed col: {{tableCols}} : row: {{tableRows}}, which is printing right value, but only 1 row and 2 column is creating instead of 12 and 8. But if I put 12, 8 statically it is working. (pic attached)

enter image description here

Any suggestions?


  • Got the solution, I have to convert to value into integer.

    So need to change vuejs code as

    tableCols : parseInt("{{testtubeplate.number_of_columns}}"), // 12,
    tableRows : parseInt("{{testtubeplate.number_of_rows}}"), //8,