So basically when I login my backend returns me a token so I store it like:
// var token is global
token =;
sessionStorage.setItem("token", token);
And when I logout I just remove the items from sessionStorage and reset the var:
token = '';
Then in all my requests I use the var to create the header
{ headers: { "Authorization": "Bearer " + token } }
But I don't know if i should keep the token var or just access the storage for each request like:
{ headers: { "Authorization": "Bearer " + sessionStorage.getItem("token"} }
Right now I just use the storage in case the user refresh the page, so he doesn't lose javascript context, because I thought is more efficient than accessing the storage for each request, but I don't know what is the best approach security-wise, or what do usually developers do?
It makes no difference from a security perspective; neither is more secure than the other.
If you only need the token when doing an ajax call, don't worry about the overhead of getting it from sessionStorage
. That operation doesn't take any significant time at all, certainly not compared with doing an ajax call. You'd only need to cache the result in a variable if you were using it in a tight loop doing thousands of operations (or possibly hundreds of thousands) while the user waited for them. You might want it in a variable for other reasons (convenience, for instance), but there's no efficiency argument in the case you describe.
General rule: Worry about performance when you have a performance problem (but, you know, don't be completely silly doing things you know are horribly inefficient...). :-)