I am trying to run the following example. It uses sanctuary.js.
const {create, env} = require('sanctuary');
const S = create({checkTypes: false, env: env});
const test = require('tape');
class Person {
this.name = S.maybeToEither('')(S.toMaybe(name));
const capitalize = (string) => string[0].toUpperCase() + string.substring(1);
const tigerify = (string) => `${string}, the tiger`;
const display = (string) => string.toString();
const tigerize = S.compose(capitalize)(tigerify);
test("Displaying a person", (assert) => {
const personOne = new Person("tony");
const actual = S.either(S.identity)(tigerize)(personOne.name);
const expected = 'Tony, the tiger';
assert.equal(actual, expected);
test("Displaying an anonymous person", (assert) => {
const personTwo = new Person(null);
const actual = S.either(S.identity)(tigerize)(personTwo.name);
const expected = '';
assert.equal(actual, expected);
The following error occurs on line 28 character 48:
TypeError: (intermediate value)(intermediate value)(intermediate value) is not a function
This is caused by personTwo.name
in the following line:
const actual = S.either(S.identity)(tigerize)(personTwo.name);
I can see that personTwo.name is a Left
. Why does this trigger an error rather than returning an empty string?
Looks like I was partly using an out of date api.
By changing S.identity
to S.I
the example worked.