Consider the following code
public class JDK10Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Double d = false ? 1.0 : new HashMap<String, Double>().get("1");
When running on JDK8, this code prints null
whereas on JDK10 this code results in NullPointerException
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at JDK10Test.main(
The bytecode produced by the compilers is almost identical apart from two additional instructions produced by the JDK10 compiler which are related to autoboxing and seem to be responsible for the NPE.
15: invokevirtual #7 // Method java/lang/Double.doubleValue:()D
18: invokestatic #8 // Method java/lang/Double.valueOf:(D)Ljava/lang/Double;
Is this behaviour a bug in JDK10 or an intentional change to make the behaviour stricter?
JDK8: java version "1.8.0_172"
JDK10: java version "10.0.1" 2018-04-17
I believe this was a bug which seems to have been fixed. Throwing a NullPointerException
seems to be the correct behavior, according to the JLS.
I think that what is going on here is that for some reason in version 8, the compiler considered the bounds of the type variable mentioned by the method's return type rather than the actual type arguments. In other words, it thinks ...get("1")
returns Object
. This could be because it's considering the method's erasure, or some other reason.
The behavior should hinge upon the return type of the get
method, as specified by the below excerpts from §15.26:
If both the second and the third operand expressions are numeric expressions, the conditional expression is a numeric conditional expression.
For the purpose of classifying a conditional, the following expressions are numeric expressions:
A method invocation expression (§15.12) for which the chosen most specific method (§ has a return type that is convertible to a numeric type.
Note that, for a generic method, this is the type before instantiating the method's type arguments.
Otherwise, the conditional expression is a reference conditional expression.
The type of a numeric conditional expression is determined as follows:
If one of the second and third operands is of primitive type
, and the type of the other is the result of applying boxing conversion (§5.1.7) toT
, then the type of the conditional expression isT
In other words, if both expressions are convertible to a numeric type, and one is primitive and the other is boxed, then the result type of the ternary conditional is the primitive type.
(Table 15.25-C also conveniently shows us that the type of a ternary expression boolean ? double : Double
would indeed be double
, again meaning unboxing and throwing is correct.)
If the return type of the get
method wasn't convertible to a numeric type, then the ternary conditional would be considered a "reference conditional expression" and unboxing wouldn't occur.
Also, I think the note "for a generic method, this is the type before instantiating the method's type arguments" shouldn't apply to our case. Map.get
doesn't declare type variables, so it's not a generic method by the JLS' definition. However, this note was added in Java 9 (being the only change, see JLS8), so it's possible that it has something to do with the behavior we're seeing today.
For a HashMap<String, Double>
, the return type of get
should be Double
Here's an MCVE supporting my theory that the compiler is considering the type variable bounds rather than the actual type arguments:
class Example<N extends Number, D extends Double> {
N nullAsNumber() { return null; }
D nullAsDouble() { return null; }
public static void main(String[] args) {
Example<Double, Double> e = new Example<>();
try {
Double a = false ? 0.0 : e.nullAsNumber();
System.out.printf("a == %f%n", a);
Double b = false ? 0.0 : e.nullAsDouble();
System.out.printf("b == %f%n", b);
} catch (NullPointerException x) {
The output of that program on Java 8 is:
a == null
In other words, despite e.nullAsNumber()
and e.nullAsDouble()
having the same actual return type, only e.nullAsDouble()
is considered as a "numeric expression". The only difference between the methods is the type variable bound.
There's probably more investigation that could be done, but I wanted to post my findings. I tried quite a few things and found that the bug (i.e. no unboxing/NPE) seems to only happen when the expression is a method with a type variable in the return type.
Interestingly, I've found that the following program also throws in Java 8:
import java.util.*;
class Example {
static void accept(Double d) {}
public static void main(String[] args) {
accept(false ? 1.0 : new HashMap<String, Double>().get("1"));
That shows that the compiler's behavior is actually different, depending on whether the ternary expression is assigned to a local variable or a method parameter.
(Originally I wanted to use overloads to prove the actual type that the compiler is giving to the ternary expression, but it doesn't look like that's possible given the above difference. It's possible there's still another way that I haven't thought of, though.)