I have a CFLDAP query returning the objectGUID. How can I convert this to a valid UUID string in a 8-4-4-4-12 pattern in ColdFusion?
I have specified returnAsBinary="ObjectGUID"
, but toString(getLDAP.ObjectGUID)
does not return the desired result.
I tried binaryEncode():
<cfset guid = binaryencode(getLDAP.objectguid,"HEX")>
Which returns:
But I'm expecting this (was extracted and supplied by another process that I cant see their conversion steps).
Hummm... Although they don't match, the last half is the same. a4d7-3894ae8cd8f6
hummm... the last half is the same
Interesting. A link from this thread explains why. Apparently, it is more involved than just converting the binary into hex, in one shot:
- First, know the sequence of the byte index that forms the Dashed String:
[3] [2] [1] [0] - [5] [4] - [7] [6] - [8] [9] - [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]
- Next, apply bit masking to each and every single byte value accessed in the array.
- Follow by converting to the Hex representation of the value.
- Just make sure that the Hex value is a double digit value, meaning instead of "A", it should be "0A"
Since CF's arrays are 1-based, just add +1 to the positions. This builds the decoded string in the proper sequence (sans dashes, which you can easily add with string functions).
// Get GUID binary
bin = yourQuery.objectGUID[rowNumber];
// Extract bytes in this sequence
order = [4,3,2,1, 6,5, 8,7, 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16];
// Stores converted bytes
hex = [];
for (pos in order) {
// Apply mask to current byte and convert to hext
arrayAppend(hex, formatBaseN(BitAnd(bin[pos], 255), 16));
writeOutput("Hex string = "& arrayToList(hex, ""));