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CakeDC users plugin: redirect error after changePassword

My app is developed in CakePHP 3.x.

I use CakedDC Users plugin, and it works fine, except when the user wants to change his password, and click on Submit.

Let's say we have a Profile ID = 52606b3f-c72d-4485-9c76-3b0f8

The Edit page has a url like this:


The changePassword page has a url like this:


When I click on Submit, it redirects to the profile page, but the ID is lost:


and I get this error message:

Record not found in table "users" with primary key [NULL]

I think the reason is that the ID is not passed. And I don't find where and how to fix it.

Any help please ?.


  • I don't remember my initial code, but, after months, I found the solution.

    in src/Controller/Traits/ProfileTrait.php, set $redirect = Configure::read('Users.Profile.route');

    public function changePassword()
        $user = $this->getUsersTable()->newEntity();
        $id = $this->Auth->user('id');
        if (!empty($id)) {
            $user->id = $this->Auth->user('id');
            $validatePassword = true;
            //@todo add to the documentation: list of routes used
            $redirect = Configure::read('Users.Profile.route');
        } else {
            $user->id = $this->request->session()->read(Configure::read('Users.Key.Session.resetPasswordUserId'));
            $validatePassword = false;
            if (!$user->id) {
                $this->Flash->error(__d('CakeDC/Users', 'User was not found'));
            //@todo add to the documentation: list of routes used
            $redirect = $this->Auth->config('loginAction');
        $this->set('validatePassword', $validatePassword);
        if ($this->request->is('post')) {
            try {
                $validator = $this->getUsersTable()->validationPasswordConfirm(new Validator());
                if (!empty($id)) {
                    $validator = $this->getUsersTable()->validationCurrentPassword($validator);
                $user = $this->getUsersTable()->patchEntity($user, $this->request->data(), ['validate' => $validator]);
                if ($user->errors()) {
                    $this->Flash->error(__d('CakeDC/Users', 'Password could not be changed'));
                } else {
                    $user = $this->getUsersTable()->changePassword($user);
                    if ($user) {
                        $this->Flash->success(__d('CakeDC/Users', 'Password has been changed successfully'));
                        return $this->redirect($redirect);
                    } else {
                        $this->Flash->error(__d('CakeDC/Users', 'Password could not be changed'));
            } catch (UserNotFoundException $exception) {
                $this->Flash->error(__d('CakeDC/Users', 'User was not found'));
            } catch (WrongPasswordException $wpe) {
                $this->Flash->error(__d('CakeDC/Users', '{0}', $wpe->getMessage()));
            } catch (Exception $exception) {
                $this->Flash->error(__d('CakeDC/Users', 'Password could not be changed'));
        $this->set('_serialize', ['user']);