I'm trying to narrow down the Change streams in MongoDB to a specific document matching on the document's _id as I have many documents in one collection. Anyone know how to do this in C#? Here's the latest that I've tried to no avail:
var userID = "someIdHere";
var match = new BsonDocument
new BsonDocument
{"_id", userID}
var pipeline = new EmptyPipelineDefinition<ChangeStreamDocument<Class>>().Match(match);
var options = new ChangeStreamOptions { FullDocument = ChangeStreamFullDocumentOption.UpdateLookup };
var cursor = collection.Watch(pipeline, options).ToEnumerable();
foreach (var change in cursor)
Debug.WriteLine(change.ResumeToken + " " + change.OperationType);
If I change the cursor to what you see below, it works but it returns the world and returns the change stream when there's activity on any of the _id's present in the document. That's not what I'm going for.
var cursor = collection.Watch().ToEnumerable();
After searching near and far, I was able to piece together bits and pieces of information from other issues I found online and came up with the solution below. It works like a charm!
Not only was I able to filter Change Stream so that it only recognizes updates but I was able to narrow down the stream to a SPECIFIC document _id AND made it even more granular finding a specific change to a field called LastLogin for that _id. This is what I desired as the default Change stream returned any update that happened on the collection.
I hope this helps someone that come across the same issue I did. Cheers.
var db = client.GetDatabase(dbName);
var collectionDoc = db.GetCollection<BsonDocument>(collectionName);
var id = "someID";
//Get the whole document instead of just the changed portion
var options = new ChangeStreamOptions
FullDocument = ChangeStreamFullDocumentOption.UpdateLookup
//The operationType of update, where the document id in collection is current one and the updated field
//is last login.
var filter = "{ $and: [ { operationType: 'update' }, " +
"{ 'fullDocument._id' : '" + id + "'}" +
"{ 'updateDescription.updatedFields.LastLogin': { $exists: true } } ] }";
var pipeline = new EmptyPipelineDefinition<ChangeStreamDocument<BsonDocument>>().Match(filter);
var changeStream = collectionDoc.Watch(pipeline, options).ToEnumerable().GetEnumerator();
while (changeStream.MoveNext())
var next = changeStream.Current;
Debug.WriteLine("PRINT-OUT:" + next.ToJson());
catch (Exception ex)
Debug.WriteLine("PRINT-OUT: " + ex);