I have been working on a Processing 3 project to create scale-able noise images generated from a normal image.
The script takes a normal image, converts it into a black and white image then generates two complimentary noise patterns that can be overlaid to get the original image.
My problem is that the generated noise patterns are not scale-able, even when I use Processing to generate the images in a PDF format. An, the noise patterns do not work out ether when I used the image Image Tracing tool in Adobe Illustrator either.
Could anyone suggest a way to generate these noise patterns as scale-able noises that can be blown up in proportions without getting the blurred edges?
The code is the Java mode in Processing. (The code runs a loop through all the pixels in the image and creates a black and white complimentary noise pattern)
//library for exporting pdf files
import processing.pdf.*;
// Processing Image objects to hold different versions of images
PImage normalSrc;
PImage blackSrc;
PImage des1;
PImage des2;
// Width and Height of all images
float imgW = 500;
float imgH = 500;
// x_position var of movable image
float x_pos = (imgW + (imgW/20))+10;
PFont tahoma;
void setup () {
//change this to normal size syntax (i.e. size(1800, 800);) to enable images to be moved around
size(1800, 800, PDF, "Output pdf image.pdf");
//Creating font for instructions
tahoma = createFont("Tahoma", 40);
normalSrc = loadImage("bb.jpg");
blackSrc = createImage( normalSrc.width, normalSrc.height, RGB );
des1 = createImage( blackSrc.width, blackSrc.height, RGB );
des2 = createImage( blackSrc.width, blackSrc.height, RGB );
int dimension = blackSrc.width * blackSrc.height;
colorMode(HSB, 255, 100, 100);
//Iterating through all pixels in blackSrc
for ( int i=0; i < dimension; i+=1) {
float opacity = 150;
// if brightness of normalSrc pixel is over 50%, set blackSrc pixel to a white pixel
if ( brightness( normalSrc.pixels[i] ) > 50 ) {
blackSrc.pixels[i] = color(255);
// For white pixels in blackSrc, generate random white pixels in des1 and des2
if ( random(2) > 1) {
des1.pixels[i] = color( 0, opacity);
des2.pixels[i] = color( 0, opacity+50 );
// For white pixels in blackSrc generate random black pixels in des1 and des2
des1.pixels[i] = color( 255, opacity );
des2.pixels[i] = color( 255, opacity );
// if brightness of normalSrc pixel is below 50%, set blackSrc pixel to a black pixel
blackSrc.pixels[i] = color(0);
// For black pixels in blackSrc, generate complimentary black/white pixels in des1 and des2
if ( random(2) > 1) {
des1.pixels[i] = color( 0, opacity );
des2.pixels[i] = color( 255, opacity );
// For white pixels in blackSrc generate complimentary black/white pixels in des1 and des2
des1.pixels[i] = color( 255, opacity );
des2.pixels[i] = color( 0, opacity+100 );
void draw () {
//displaying instructions
text("Instructions:", 10, imgH+30);
text("Drag the noise pattern using the mouse", 10, imgH+60);
text("Press RIGHT or LEFT to move noise pattern around", 10, imgH+85);
text("Press Ctrl+C to center the overlay the noise pattern on top of each other", 10, imgH+160);
image(des1, 10, 0, imgW, imgH);
image(normalSrc, (3*imgW)+(imgW/5.5), 0, imgW, imgH);
image(blackSrc, (2*imgW)+(imgW/8), 0, imgW, imgH );
// Controls for movement of des2 with mouse and keyboard
if ( keyPressed && key==CODED && keyCode==RIGHT ) {
x_pos += 1;
image(des2, x_pos, 0, imgW, imgH);
else if ( keyPressed && key==CODED && keyCode==LEFT) {
x_pos -= 1;
image(des2, x_pos, 0, imgW, imgH);
else if ( mousePressed && (mouseButton==LEFT)) {
x_pos = mouseX;
image(des2, x_pos, 0, imgW, imgH);
else if ( keyPressed && key=='C') { //Automatically centers the second noise on the first noise image to generate image
x_pos = 10;
image(des2, 10, 0, imgW, imgH);
else {
image(des2, x_pos, 0, imgW, imgH);
// exit() used for quitting program after saving a PDF capture
I solved the issue.
Instead of generating a final pixel for each source pixel, I create a rect() processing object for each pixel in the source image that is by default a scalable and vector object when exported from processing in a .pdf format.