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Bootstrap Tags Input error,Unable to set value of textbox using

I am trying to make an input area which allows users to create tags. I found bootstrap tags input and tried using it. It works but when I try to set data in the input field , it doesn't works at all. Here's my code :

 <input id="tagsdata" type="text" class="form-control" data-role="tagsinput"  placeholder="Add tags"/>

  $('#tagsdata').val(; // is a string which can be say :  "tags" or "tag1,tag2,tag3" etc. on pageload.

I've included all the required scripts as well in cshtml file.

<script src="~/bower_components/bootstrap-tagsinput/dist/bootstrap-tagsinput.min.js"></script>    
<link href="~/bower_components/bootstrap-tagsinput/dist/bootstrap-tagsinput.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="~/bower_components/bootstrap-tagsinput/dist/bootstrap-tagsinput-typeahead.css" rel="stylesheet" />

(i'm not missing something,right ?)

Also how can I customize the tags input area ? currently the tags come with blue color background. Please help.


  • To Add items you need to use :

    $('#tagsdata').tagsinput('add', 'some tag');

    So if you need multiple you can loop and add one by one. Here is alot of examples that will help you :

    You an give different class dependent on property here is working example from the site :

    var elt = $('#tagsdata');
      tagClass: function(item) {
        switch (item.continent) {
          case 'Europe'   : return 'label label-primary';
          case 'America'  : return 'label label-danger label-important';
          case 'Australia': return 'label label-success';
          case 'Africa'   : return 'label label-default';
          case 'Asia'     : return 'label label-warning';
      itemValue: 'value',
      itemText: 'text'
    elt.tagsinput('add', { "value": 1 , "text": "Amsterdam"   , "continent": "Europe"    });
    elt.tagsinput('add', { "value": 4 , "text": "Washington"  , "continent": "America"   });
    elt.tagsinput('add', { "value": 7 , "text": "Sydney"      , "continent": "Australia" });
    elt.tagsinput('add', { "value": 10, "text": "Beijing"     , "continent": "Asia"      });
    elt.tagsinput('add', { "value": 13, "text": "Cairo"       , "continent": "Africa"    });