I have a scenario where web app(node application) has to interacts with Composer-REST server. The application would be accessible by different participants of an organization.
There is an authentication server which creates the session for the user when he logs in.
I am not sure how to get a user's card(composer card) to interact with REST server. I found that there is a composer-wallet-redis which can be used to store the cards. But, not sure how to access it by web application? We create cards by composer cli then how redis would have that information?
Do we need to manually export the cards to redis server? If so, How do we tackle new participant use cases where we have to generate cards through code?
On redis server - see the docs -> https://hyperledger.github.io/composer/latest/business-network/cloud-wallets
See also this Stack answer -> Hyperledger Composer Web application user authentication
and finally there are knowledge wiki resources https://medium.com/@CazChurchUk/developing-multi-user-application-using-the-hyperledger-composer-rest-server-b3b88e857ccc and https://medium.com/coinmonks/hyperledger-composer-api-for-managing-business-network-cards-80f215db27f7 for more information