I have an app published in the Play store. I updated the compileSDKVersion and targetSDKVersion to 27. After the update was released, it did work for some but did not work for most users.
I tried to switch back and forth these compile and target and versions. However, on testing on the device it works but it does not work when I release it in the Play Store.
Which versions I have been using:
compileSDKVersion = 18
, targetSDKVersion = 18
(Worked, it was like this originally)
compileSDKVersion = 27
, targetSDKVersion = 27
(worked for some after updating but downloading it as a new app didn't work)
compileSDKVersion = 18
, targetSDKVersion = 18
(Couldn't even release)
compileSDKVersion = 23
, targetSDKVersion = 23
(Was able to release but still doesn't work, when I update the currently installed app, or when I install it as a new app)
Dependencies (In the current version):
compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:23.0.+'
compile 'com.android.support:support-v4:23.0.0'
buildToolsVersion "24.0.2"
Looking for an advice to solve this issue, really stuck!
Thanks very much!
I'm guessing you haven't made the permissions changes necessary when targeting SDK >=23 (Android 6.0).
See the documentation at https://developer.android.com/training/permissions/requesting