somebody I use this:
I have a jci class:
public void compile() {
sourceDir = new File("java");
sources = new String[] { "test/" };
target = new File("result");
JavacJavaCompilerSettings settings = new JavacJavaCompilerSettings();
JavacJavaCompiler javacJavaCompiler = new JavacJavaCompiler(settings);
System.out.println("compile -> " + sources);
System.out.println("compile -> " + sourceDir);
System.out.println("compile -> " + target);
CompilationResult result = javacJavaCompiler.compile(sources,
new FileResourceReader(sourceDir),
new FileResourceStore(target));
for (CompilationProblem cp : result.getErrors()) {
System.out.println("compile -> " + cp.getStartLine());
System.out.println("compile -> " + cp.getMessage());
and my output is:
compile -> 0
compile -> Failure executing javac, but could not parse the error: javac: file not found: test/
Usage: javac <options> <source files>
use -help for a list of possible options
some idea, ty.
The output is telling you clearly that the compiler cannot find your source file with the pathname that you have supplied. Two possible causes spring to mind:
Things to try:
... which should match the JVM's current directory. Based on that, figure out what the relative pathname of the source file should be.