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Using na.rm=T in pmin with

I want to extract the minimum value of each element of several matrix that are stored inside a list. I'm using pmin:, mylist)

The problem is that some elements of those matrix are NAs, and pmin yields a NA where I want it to yield the minimum value after excluding the NAs. I tried to solve my problem using, mylist)

but I get an error. I also tried with this answer: data.table and pmin with na.rm=TRUE argument, but I get the error because .SD is not on the environment. Simple code for a similar problem would be:

mymat1 <- matrix(rnorm(10), ncol=2)

mymat2 <- matrix(rnorm(10), ncol=2)
mymat2[2,2] <- NA

mymat3 <- matrix(rnorm(10), ncol=2)

mylist <- list(mymat1, mymat2, mymat3), mylist)

I get a NA in the position [2,2] of the resulting matrix, and I want to get the minimum values ignoring NAs. Any suggestions? Thank you.


  • Concatenate the na.rm = TRUE as a named list element and then use pmin with so that the parameter na.rm will be found, c(mylist, list(na.rm = TRUE)))
    #          [,1]       [,2]
    #[1,] -1.0830716 -0.1237099
    #[2,] -0.5949517 -3.7873790
    #[3,] -2.1003236 -1.2565663
    #[4,] -0.4500171 -1.0588205
    #[5,] -1.0937602 -1.0537657