Here is my worksheet, it doesn't show up right in google docs so you may have to download:
I need to grab the data from the first table, format it a bit and enter it into the second table. I've put an example in the second tab. I'm looking to make a template where I paste the raw data in the first tab and the second tab will highlight any issues that need correction.
The notes in the worksheet I think explains what I'm looking to do.
You can think of your issue in terms of two problems.
First, you want to create a dynamic list of unique values "File Name" or column B on the "Summary" tab. You can do that by following the answers in this question
A second (simpler but static) way of doing this, is merely pasting Column B from the first tab into Column A of the second tab, then clicking on the "Remove Duplicates" button under the "Data" tab in the "Data Tools" section of Excel's "Data" tab.
Once you have your list of unique values, all you have to do to gather the rest is use a combination TEXTJOIN
and IF
array functions
So on the Sheet4, use
{=MID(TEXTJOIN(,TRUE,IF($A3=Summary!$B$2:$B$12047,IF(LEFT(Summary!$C$2:$C$12047,11)="MARK DETAIL",Summary!$C$2:$C$12047,""),"")),14,100)}
the second IF
statement finds cells that start with MARK DETAIL
, the first IF
statement filters matching file names, the TEXTJOIN
strings all the results together and the MID
function cuts off the MARK DETAIL
You can adapt this function to
for column C and
for column D
It should be noted that these formulas are all array functions, meaning you will have to enter them in the cell and then activate them by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Enter