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How to add custom matchers to jasmine globally?

I'd need a replacement for the jasmine.addMatchers function gone in version 1.3. The current API allows to add matchers to a describe block, but I'd prefer to be able to use my matchers everywhere without adding them again and again.

Is there a global way to add own matchers to jasmine 3.1.0?


  • can be used to write matchers which work in all versions of Jasmine, as well as Jest.

    var addMatchers = require('add-matchers');
      // matcher with 0 arguments
      toBeEvenNumber: function(received) {
        // received : 4
        return received % 2 === 0;
      // matcher with 1 argument
      toBeOfType: function(type, received) {
        // type     : 'Object'
        // received : {}
        return === '[object ' + type + ']';
      // matcher with many arguments
      toContainItems: function(arg1, arg2, arg3, received) {
        // arg1     : 2
        // arg2     : 15
        // arg3     : 100
        // received : [100, 14, 15, 2]
        return (
          received.indexOf(arg1) !== -1 &&
          received.indexOf(arg2) !== -1 &&
          received.indexOf(arg3) !== -1