I'm building a Scala wrapper around the Torch libraries. I'm using Swig to build the glue layer. It allows me to create tensors off-heap, which I can only free by explicitly calling a static method of the library. However, I want to use the tensors in an imperative way, without having to worry about releasing the memory, much like any ordinary object in Java.
The only way I can think of doing this is to (mis-)use the JVM's garbage collector in the following way:
A 'memory manager' keeps track of the amount of off-heap memory consumed, and when a threshold is reached, it calls System.gc()
object MemoryManager {
val Threshold: Long = 2L * 1024L * 1024L * 1024L // 2 GB
val FloatSize = 4
private val hiMemMark = new AtomicLong(0)
def dec(size: Long): Long = hiMemMark.addAndGet(-size * FloatSize)
def inc(size: Long): Long = hiMemMark.addAndGet(size * FloatSize)
def memCheck(size: Long): Unit = {
val level = inc(size)
if (level > Threshold) {
The tensors themselves are wrapped in a class, with a finalize method, that frees the off-heap memory, like so:
class Tensor private (val payload: SWIGTYPE_p_THFloatTensor) {
def numel: Int = TH.THFloatTensor_numel(payload)
override def finalize(): Unit = {
val memSize = MemoryManager.dec(numel)
Tensor creation is done by a factory method, that notifies the memory manager. For example, to create a Tensor of zeros:
object Tensor {
def zeros(shape: List[Int]): Tensor = {
val storage = ... // boilerplate
val t = TH.THFloatTensor_new
TH.THFloatTensor_zeros(t, storage)
new Tensor(t)
I realize this is a naive approach, but can I get away with this? It seems to work fine, also when running in parallel (which generates lots of superfluous calls to System.gc()
but otherwise nothing)
Or can you think of a better solution?
Thank you.
There's a more deterministic option - explicitly managed regions of memory
So, roughly if we had a class like this:
class Region private () {
private val registered = ArrayBuffer.empty[() => Unit]
def register(finalizer: () => Unit): Unit = registered += finalizer
def releaseAll(): Unit = {
registered.foreach(f => f()) // todo - will leak if f() throws
We could have a method implementing so-called "Loan pattern" that gives us a fresh region and then handles the deallocation
object Region {
def run[A](f: Region => A): A = {
val r = new Region
try f(r) finally r.releaseAll()
Then something that requires manual deallocation could be described as taking an implicit Region
class Leakable(i: Int)(implicit r: Region) {
// Class body is constructor body, so you can register finalizers
r.register(() => println(s"Deallocated foo $i"))
def foo() = println(s"Foo: $i")
Which you would be able to use in a fairly boilerplate-free way:
Region.run { implicit r =>
val a = new Leakable(1)
val b = new Leakable(2)
This code produces the following output:
Foo: 2
Foo: 1
Deallocated foo 1
Deallocated foo 2
Such approach is limiting a little bit (if you try to assign a Leakable
to a variable outside the closure passed in run
, its scope will not be promoted), but will be faster and guaranteed to work even if calls to System.gc
are disabled.