I want to keep the default icon and just change it's color on click. What property should I use to change color?
this is my makeMarkers function:
const marker=this.props.markers.map((marker,id)=>{
return <Marker marker={marker} position={{lat:marker.lat, lng:marker.lng}}
{marker.showWindow && (
<div>Something is there!</div>
return marker;
@Aonan Li
Yes, that is what I did eventualy, I used custom image(which is basicly a pin with different color). Thanks for the link, it has some very usefull informations !
This is how my code looks now:
> makeMarkers=()=>{
> const marker=this.props.markers.map((marker,id)=>{
> return <Marker key={id} marker={marker} position={{lat:marker.lat, lng:marker.lng}}
> onClick={()=>this.props.onMarkerClick(marker)}
> options={{icon:`${marker.icon}`}}
> >
> {marker.showWindow && (
> <InfoWindow>
> <div>Something is there!</div>
> </InfoWindow>)
> }
> </Marker>
> })
> return marker;
> }
Every marker gets initial custom .png, and onClick I toggle from custom to default one !