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How to use Leaflet Fullscreen in Vue2Leaflet

Does anyone have example of how to integrate Leaflet Fullscreen with Vue2 Leaflet

I use Vue2Leaflet in a component (loaded thru npm), and added the CDN link to the Fullscreen js in index.html. But when fullscreen js loaded, it couldn't find a reference to Leaflet as its not loaded yet. So I'm not sure how to use them in proper order.


  • You need to access the map object with this.$refs.mymap.mapObject and add the control in the mounted hook.

    First add a ref attribute to the <l-map /> element:

    <l-map :zoom="zoom" :center="center" ref="mymap">

    Then add the control in the mounted hook:

    mounted() {
      const map = this.$refs.mymap.mapObject;
      map.addControl(new L.Control.Fullscreen());

    See this Fiddle

    If you are using webpack, it's a bit different:

    1) Install with npm install leaflet-fullscreen --save

    2) Import the js and css files in your main.js file (app entry point) or use <script> in index.html:

    import 'leaflet-fullscreen/dist/leaflet.fullscreen.css';
    import 'leaflet-fullscreen/dist/Leaflet.fullscreen';

    3) In your component, use window.L instead of L:

    mounted() {
      const map = this.$refs.mymap.mapObject;
      map.addControl(new window.L.Control.Fullscreen());