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I Got stuck with Laravel Starter Kit Breeze with Vue

Why Starter Kit of Laravel Breeze Vue is not working with Laravel Framework 8.83.17?

Is it occurring due to conflict of webpack.mix.js and vite.config.js? Because project has webpack by default but when I run php artisan breeze:install vue and npm install it added vite also

I'm using MAMP Server instead of Laravel's local development server

I did below steps:

  • Laravel Project: composer create-project laravel/laravel laravue

    • Laravel version: Laravel Framework 8.83.17 checked with php artisan --version
    • cd laravue
  • Then composer require laravel/breeze --dev

  • php artisan breeze:install vue

  • php artisan migrate

  • npm install


When I run npm run dev then it creates below warning

CMD Output

When i run the project i can see only @vite('resources/js/app.js') in browser

Browser Output

Should I migrate from Laravel Mix to Vite


  • After installing PHP v8.1.0 and Laravel v9.19.0 it fixed my problem.