I'm struggling to find an example of using a cursor with pg-promise. node-postgres supports its pg-cursor extension. Is there a way to use that extension with pg-promise? I'm attempting to implement an asynchronous generator (to support for-await-of). pg-query-stream doesn't seem to be appropriate for this use case (I need "pull", rather than "push").
As an example, I use SQLite for my unit tests and my (abridged) generator looks something like this...
async function* () {
const stmt = await db.prepare(...);
try {
while (true) {
const record = await stmt.get();
if (isUndefined(record)) {
yield value;
finally {
Using pg-cursor, the assignment to stmt
would become something like client.query(new Cursor(...))
, stmt.get
would become stmt.read(1)
and stmt.finalize
would become stmt.close
Following the original examples, we can modify them for use with pg-promise:
const pgp = require('pg-promise')(/* initialization options */);
const db = pgp(/* connection details */);
const Cursor = require('pg-cursor');
const c = await db.connect(); // manually managed connection
const text = 'SELECT * FROM my_large_table WHERE something > $1';
const values = [10];
const cursor = c.client.query(new Cursor(text, values));
cursor.read(100, (err, rows) => {
cursor.close(() => {
c.done(); // releasing connection
// or you can just do: cursor.close(c.done);
Since pg-promise doesn't support pg-cursor explicitly, one has to manually acquire the connection object and use it directly, as shown in the example above.
pg-query-stream doesn't seem to be appropriate for this use case (I need
, rather thanpush
Actually, in the context of these libraries, both streams and cursors are only for pulling data. So it would be ok for you to use streaming also.