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Embed Flourish Visualization in Blogdown

Flourish is a company that enables you to make dynamic visualizations.

I have a blog using R Studio, blogdown, github and Netlify.

After creating a chart, Flourish provides a URL and some embed code.

<div class="flourish-embed" data-src="visualisation/56290"></div><script src=""></script>

I see how I can roughly place the treemap on my blog using an iframe. But that is not ideal.

Is it possible to embed the code Flourish provides in blogdown? If so, how?

I was hoping it could look as clean as a leaflet-R map.


  • Isn't it just a matter of cut-and-paste? That is, paste the code in your blog post:

    <div class="flourish-embed" data-src="visualisation/56290"></div><script src=""></script>

    FWIW, Flourish does not recommend using iframes:

    enter image description here