I am trying to get a JSON API-compliant RESTful service working with Spring Boot and Elide by following this tutorial: https://dzone.com/articles/create-a-json-api-rest-service-with-spring-boot-an and this example code: https://github.com/mcasperson/spring-boot-jpa-elide/
But EntityManagerFactory is null at this line: https://github.com/mcasperson/spring-boot-jpa-elide/blob/master/src/main/java/com/matthewcasperson/elidetest/ElideTest.java#L60
I'm not sure how to trouble shoot the @Autowired annotation: https://github.com/mcasperson/spring-boot-jpa-elide/blob/master/src/main/java/com/matthewcasperson/elidetest/ElideTest.java#L31-L32
to figure out why the EntityManagerFactory is null
Any ideas what sort of things I can try to troubleshoot this? I'm new to the Java world so I'm a bit lost.
My app didn't have a database but I added a H2 database just in case it mattered for the EntityManagerFactory.
Thank you for your time. :)
It turned out that the method using the EntityManagerFactory
needs to have a particular signature in order for the @Autowired
annotation to work.
So this line affect the @Autowired
Hope that helps other Java newbies like me :)