I have four combo boxes in an Excel userform with these value references:
What I want to do is loop through these combo box values so that the numbers 1-4 are changed with a variable, something like this...
For j = 1 to 4
cell_j_in_sheet = "Me.cbDesc" & j & ".Value"
Next j
What I see in my cell is the string (e.g.) "Me.cbDesc1.Value" and not the actual value selected in the combo box. How do I instruct VBA to evaluate Me.cbDescj.Value and output the current contents of cbDescj through each iteration?
If there's better way to do this, please advise.
You can use the form's Controls
For j = 1 to 4
cell_j_in_sheet = Me.Controls("cbDesc" & j).Value
Next j