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Write structure to a file && read structure to a dynamicly allocated memory

I am trying to write structure to a file and then read structure to a dynamicly allocated memory. If this algorhythm even works, I'm not sure about fread function... Is it able to read all structures in file written this way and store it to *ptr, so I can access it from memory ? Is there better way to do this?

 typedef struct num {
    int num1;
    int num2;   

void write() {
    int successfullywritten;
    FILE *f;
    struct num nr;
    f = fopen("dat.txt", "a");
    printf("Enter first number\n");
    scanf("%d", &nr.num1);
    printf("Enter second number\n");
    scanf("%d", &nr.num2);
    successfullywritten=fwrite(&nr, sizeof num, 1, f);
    printf("Succesfully written: %d\n", successfullywritten);

void read() {

    int size, entrys,i,successfullyread;
    FILE *f;
    f = fopen("dat.txt", "r");
    struct num *ptr;
    fseek(f, 0L, SEEK_END);
    size = ftell(f);
    printf("\nSize of file dat.txt: %d\n", size);
    entrys = size / sizeof(num);
    ptr = (num*)malloc(entrys * sizeof(num));
    successfullyread=fread(ptr, sizeof(num), entrys, f);
    printf("sucessfully Read: %d\n", successfullyread);
    for (i = 0;i < entrys; i++) {
        /*fread((ptr+i), sizeof(ptr), 1, f);*/
        printf("%d  ", (*(ptr)).num1);
        printf("%d\n", (*(ptr)).num2);



int main() {
    int n;
       printf("Chooose action:\n1) write to file\n2) read from file:\n");
       scanf("%d", &n);
       switch (n) {
          case 1:
          case 2:
    return 0;


  • Firstly, There are lot of simple typo mistakes like

    • There is confusion between typedefed name or structure name. This entrys = size / sizeof(num); should be entrys = size / sizeof(struct num);
    • This ptr = (num*)malloc(entrys * sizeof(num)); should be ptr = malloc(entrys * sizeof(struct num)); . Avoid casting result of malloc().

    Secondly, after finding the size, you forgot to move f to beginning of file. for e.g

    fseek(f, 0L, SEEK_END);
    size = ftell(f);
    fseek(f, 0L, SEEK_SET); /* you forgot to add this */ 

    Thirdly, you are data into file using fwrite() use ab instead of a mode & while reading using fread() use rb instead of r.

    Also after reading from file you need to free the ptr to avoid memory leakage.


    Here is the sample code

    typedef struct num {
            int num1;
            int num2;
    void my_write(void) {
            int successfullywritten;
            FILE *f;
            struct num nr;
            f = fopen("dat.txt", "ab");
            printf("Enter first number\n");
            scanf("%d", &nr.num1);
            printf("Enter second number\n");
            scanf("%d", &nr.num2);
            successfullywritten=fwrite(&nr, sizeof(nr), 1, f);
            printf("Succesfully written: %d\n", successfullywritten);
    void my_read(void) {
            int size, entrys,i,successfullyread;
            FILE *f;
            f = fopen("dat.txt", "rb");
            struct num *ptr;
            fseek(f, 0L, SEEK_END);
            size = ftell(f);
            fseek(f, 0L, SEEK_SET);
            printf("\nSize of file dat.txt: %d\n", size);
            entrys = size / sizeof(struct num);
            ptr = malloc(entrys * sizeof(struct num));
            successfullyread=fread(ptr, sizeof(struct num), 2, f);
            printf("sucessfully Read: %d\n", successfullyread);
            for (i = 0;i < entrys; i++) {
                    /*fread((ptr+i), sizeof(ptr), 1, f);*/
                    printf("%d  ", ptr[i].num1);
                    printf("%d\n", ptr[i].num2);
    int main(void) {
            int n;
                    printf("Chooose action:\n1) write to file\n2) read from file:\n");
                    scanf("%d", &n);
                    switch (n) {
                            case 1:
                            case 2:
            return 0;