I have a service method that caches with redis cache via Spring Boot (using compile("org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-redis:1.5.6.RELEASE")
@Cacheable( value = "test" )
public CacheTestObject getTestObject(String name)
return new CacheTestObject( name );
This works but when i try to get all the keys (and see it there) I get:
//This returns 0 keys
( ( RedisTemplate ) cacheManager.getCache("test").getNativeCache() ).keys( "*" )
But this returns true:
( ( RedisTemplate ) cacheManager.getCache("test").getNativeCache() ).hasKey( "Joe" )
And the following are all:
( ( RedisTemplate ) cacheManager.getCache("test").getNativeCache() ).hasKey( "Joe" )
( ( RedisTemplate ) cacheManager.getCache("test").getNativeCache() ).hasKey( "J*e" )
( ( RedisTemplate ) cacheManager.getCache("test").getNativeCache() ).hasKey( "Jo*" )
( ( RedisTemplate ) cacheManager.getCache("test").getNativeCache() ).hasKey( "*oe" )
( ( RedisTemplate ) cacheManager.getCache("test").getNativeCache() ).hasKey( "*" )
Why is this? Why can't I get all keys with the pattern ""? Or even "J"?
If I do any pattern query where "*" is first or last, it returns no keys.
Make sure that redisTemplate autowired into your cacheManager uses correct serializers. In case of string keys:
redisTemplate.setKeySerializer(new StringRedisSerializer())