I have a simple web app
- a.gif
- test.html
- test.jsp
in test.html, there is
<img src="/static/images/a.gif"/>
the problem is that the image is not displaying until I change the uri to
<img src="/web app name/static/images/a.gif"/>
but I'm loading test.html at URI
http://server/web app name/static/pages/test.html
I configured static resources mapping in my web.xml as follows.
Am I missing anything? I do want to keep those static resources within the app in DEV phase instead of moving them to a HTTP server.
Thanks a lot.
It's good practice to use either the spring:url tag or the JSTL c:url tag to wrap URLs in your HTML for this very reason. Those tags will automatically add the context path.
For example:
<img src="<spring:url value='/static/images/a.gif'/>"/>
Alternatively you can use a context path of "" in development. That way your urls would match production. The way this is done is different for each servlet container - for example for Tomcat you would deploy your app to webapps/ROOT.