I am struggling to console log the information fetched from firebase.
My code: class HistoryPage extends Component {
componentWillMount() {
render() {
var ob = this.props.xyConsts[0];
return (
const mapstateToProp = (state) => {
const xyConsts = _.map(state.historyPage, (val, uid) => {
return { ...val, uid };
return { xyConsts };
export default connect(mapstateToProp, { historyFetch })(HistoryPage);
From console log, I got information can be seen here the console log printout
It looks like an object. But when I want to print out "this.props.xyConsts[0].const1" or other key, I got undefined.
I suspect that the info returned from firebase is not an object, but how can I reach and print things like "this.props.xyConsts[0].const1" on the screen?
Any help will be appreciated.
There are mainly two possiblities:
1) Try to check you are getting the correct object in screen or not.
2) If object is correct then take a object ref like this:
var ob = this.props.xyConsts[0];
return (
You can use object in two different way:
Hope this will help you...