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User credentials required: Google Cloud Print Submit API

I am trying to access the Submit API that is apart of the Google Cloud Print however I am running into the error "User credentials required".

I am able to get all the way through authentication and am able to retrieve my access token. I was following this guide

I do not know where it is going wrong. Does anyone know where the credentials are supposed to be inputted?

Here is my code for this portion:

function submitPrintJob(token){

            var params = {'printerid':'PRINTER_ID','title':'Test Print Job','ticket':{"version": "1.0", "print": {}},'contentType':'application/pdf'};
            var response ={
                url: '',
                body: params,
                headers: {'Authorization':'Bearer ' + token}

            log.debug('submitPrintJob','Response - ' + response.body);
            log.error('submitPrintJob','Error - ' + e.message);

This code is being in done in Netsuite which is where the API is coming in. I also am aware that I am not sending a document through but I at least need to get past this step. I am getting this error using Postman as well.

Editing to add the portion where I get the token: I send a request to: Parameters: response_type: code, scope:, state: state_parameter_passthrough_value, redirect_uri: scriplet url client_id: client id

Google oauth returns a authorization code. I exchange the code for a token this way:

        function getToken(code){

                var params = {'code':code,'client_id':CLIENT_ID,'client_secret':CLIENT_SECRET,'redirect_uri':REDIRECT_URI,'grant_type':'authorization_code'}
                var response ={
                    url: '',
                    body: params,
                    headers: {'Content-Type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}

                var token = response.body.access_token;


                log.error('getAuthCode','Error - ' + e.message);


  • As I thought, the problem is how you are getting the access token. In order to get a valid access token to do your cloud print business, you need to include the proper scope. That means that your params object should like like this:

    var params = {'code':code,'client_id':CLIENT_ID,'client_secret':CLIENT_SECRET,'redirect_uri':REDIRECT_URI, 'scope': '', 'grant_type':'authorization_code'}

    This should give you a valid access token to interact with Google Cloud Print. I hope it helps!