I'm currently new using Google Maps API v3 Javascript, and I have some questions.
It's for a specific RPG. This is a game with its own world map, its own cities, frontiers and roads. So a full map, which I can create easily any data to import in any database, xml, json, kml... ANYTHING ! :) So I'd like to use any API to make a map for this game.
In fact, I'd like to create a whole new map, completely out of our world map. So, I need to import datas about towns, cities, frontiers and roads. Then, I need a system that can calculates the way between 2 cities by searching the available roads between the points. I know it can be hard because it's almost making another full Google Map but for another "world", and I'd really like to make it.
Is it possible with Google Maps ? Or do I have to look for, like Openstreetmap or another ? Do I have to develop a whole "Geocoder" server ? For sure it's gonna be less weight than Google, because this RPG's world is not bigger than France or England, and it's an RPG so there is not as much details as in our real world, but if it's really needed to make an API, let's do it then ! I put an example of the project on the web but I can't show it in public for security and copyright reasons, so I can send the link to some of you if you really need something more "concrete".
It would be such a real pleasure for you all to help me, or at least to guide me for all the "how-to's", cuz if this project comes to birth, it would be such an amazing unique work in any RPG game !
You might like to take a look at Open Geofiction, which uses OpenStreetMap technology to create an imaginary world. The fact that it's in standard OSM format allows you to use any OpenStreetMap-compatible route calculation system, and in fact any other software that handles the format.
You can sign up and build your own country, and the fact that your country is intended to be no larger than France means that there is plenty of room for your project. You can request your own territory.