I have multiple divs in one html page under common wrapper class. I am using hide and show method on clicking next and previous option.
What I am trying to achieve: On page reload/refresh, the div which is showing currently should show after page reload.
So in short if you reload/refresh from pink screen, it should show same pink screen after page reload.
What I tried: I am storing the display properties (none or block) is local storage and on page reload trying to give same properties to divs again. Most of the responses and solution I checked in Stack overflow is regarding opening the same tab when refresh. but my case is what in same tab I have multiple div and I want to open from the same state which it was earlier.
Logic I used:
$(window).on('load', function(){
var disp = localStorage.getItem("disp");
var ustatus = JSON.parse(disp);
for (var x=ustatus; x<ustatus.length; x++){
$(".pg"+x).css("display", ustatus[x]);
This is fiddle link I tried:
You don't really need the on
$(window).on('load', function(){
var disp = localStorage.getItem("disp");
var ustatus = JSON.parse(disp);
for (var x=0; x<ustatus.length; x++){
$(".pg"+(x+1)).toggleClass("off", ustatus[x]);
$(".next").on("click", function(){
$(".prev").on("click", function(){
$(window).on('beforeunload', function(){
var display = $(".clr").map(function(){
return $(this).hasClass("off");
localStorage.setItem("disp", JSON.stringify(display));
note: you can't use $(window).on('load', ...)
in a fiddle - the JS in the editor is run on load
EDIT: you might also want to validate ustatus
before applying it, something like
if (Array.isArray(ustatus) && ustatus.filter(x => x === true).length === 1) {
for (var x=0; x<ustatus.length; x++){
$(".pg"+(x+1)).toggleClass("off", ustatus[x]);