I use Angular's Routing functionality in my Angular 6.0.5 app. Hence, I have paths in my app like:
Running my app using ng serve
works well. I can directly type an address like http://localhost:8080/barn
into the browser and it will load the app and go to the appropriate place within the app.
After building the app I copy the entire content of /dist/
into a Java WebApplication, that results in a WAR after compilation.
To build it I use ng build --prod --build-optimizer --base-href=/myappdir/
When I run the WAR in an application server like Wildfly I can successfully go the the URL http://localhost:8080/myappdir/
and load the app. Clicking some routing button within the app also successfully changes the URL to i.e. http://localhost:8080/barn
, but if I type the URL http://localhost:8080/barn
into the browser myself and then hit enter, I get an error, that the page could not be loaded.
If I run an Angular app which makes use of Angular's routing functionality on a web server like Nginx, I have to tell the web server to point to the index.html
file even if the URL requests a different file. So with Nginx this would be done with configuration like this: try_files $uri $uri/ =404;
. So I guess the problem is the same within the WAR file.
What must I configure within the WAR file to have it point to the index.html
Ok, I found it out myself. So, in case someone is trying the same as I do, here is the description to solve this matter without making tweaks within the web server.
Add a 404 error page to the web.xml
inside of the Java project. The following four lines will do the trick:
<web-app ...>