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emacs: Want to indent with tabs (tab-size 2 or 4) allign with spaces

I use emacs now for a while and like it in most cases (useful on ssh, syntax highlight, ...).

But when it comes to indentation and justification (alignment) of code, I don't get clear with emacs.

I want in all my code (SQL, C, Java, ECMAScript, HTML, PHP, CSS, ...) that a press of the "TAB" key realy makes a TAB character (which I usually have a size of 2 spaces, but 4 or 6 are good as well). [I agree, that TABs in Code are evil when it comes to alignment, but spaces are evil as well, when it comes to indentation!] You can have a look, how I want to have it in my HTML template:

On the other hand I always align with spaces, so other programmers have all the equal signs properly aligned in my code. This works fine, except for 2 exceptions:

  1. To enter a TAB-Char I always have to press "CTRL-q TAB", which is annoying.
  2. Different programming languages are configured in emacs to use different TAB sizes. For myself, I always want to behave a TAB to be the size of 2 spaces.

How can I achieve that

a) a press of the TAB-Key always inserts a TAB-Char?

b) TABs are in all emacs-modes (c, java, html, php, css, ecmascript, ...) 2 chars wide?


  • As @lawlist says, it's different for every major mode. Each one usually has its own indent-line-function, and settings like tab-width are buffer local.

    There's a smart-tabs package ( that works well for me, but I only use it for C-like modes (which is not to say it doesn't work for others, I just haven't tried).

    (use-package smart-tabs-mode
      :commands (smart-tabs-mode)
      (add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook #'smart-tabs-mode)
      (smart-tabs-advice c-indent-line     c-basic-offset)
      (smart-tabs-advice c-indent-region   c-basic-offset)

    tab-width should be set to your preferred width globally, and can be changed in major mode hooks to be different in some modes.

    (setq-default tab-width 2)
    (defun jpk/c-mode-common-hook ()
       (setq tab-width 4))
    (add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook #'jpk/c-mode-common-hook)