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How to resolve Invalid header signature; read 0x6576206C6D783F3C, expected 0xE11AB1A1E011CFD0 error java?

I am exporting a file from a web application which is in .xls format. When I am trying to read this file, it is throwing error as: Invalid header signature; read 0x6576206C6D783F3C, expected 0xE11AB1A1E011CFD0

This is an exported file so could not change the format.

Here is my code and attached is the excel file:

public void verifyExportedData() throws Exception{
    String filename = "Top_Down_Planning_by_Investment.xls"      
    File=new FileInputStream(new File("testdata/"+filename));
    HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(File);
    HSSFSheet sheet=workbook.getSheet("Top Down Planning by Investmen");
    DataFormatter formatter = new DataFormatter();
    System.out.println("Cell data : "+sheet.getRow(0).getCell(1));

Can anyone please help?


  • The "expected" and "actual" file signatures are being output in the reverse order to normal. (It is probably a big-endian versus little-endian thing ...)

    According to a source I found on the web, the file signature for a ".xls" file is

      D0 CF 11 E0 A1 B1 1A E1

    which matches the "expected" signature (reversed). So if I reverse the "actual" signature, I get

      3C 3F 78 6D 6C 20 76 65

    If I convert those hex code to ASCII I get

      '<' '?' 'x' 'm' 'l' ' ' 'v' 'e'


      <?xml ve

    Is this looking familiar? Here's a typical XML file header:

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>

    You appear to have exported the file as an XML-based format rather than the legacy ".xls" format. I am guessing the file is in ".xlxs" format or similar.

    I think that you need to use XSSF rather than HSSH: