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Extra rows in WPF Data Template

Extra rows in WPF DataTemplate Specification

This seems to be a really good overview of WPF Data Binding from Microsoft:

The page has links to a PDF download (which seems more comprehensive than the page itself): and a sample application:


In the sample application file: DataBindingLabApp.xaml (~ line 50) a data template is defined for individual list items. The template specifies 4 rows but only two rows are used... Is there a good reason for having unused rows?

   <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type src:AuctionItem}">
        <Border BorderThickness="1" BorderBrush="Gray"
                Padding="7" Name="border" Margin="3" Width="500">

                    <RowDefinition/>   <!-- not needed? -->
                    <RowDefinition/>   <!-- not needed? -->


I deleted 2 of the rows and as far as I can tell (by comparing screen shots) the extra rows make no difference to the appearance of the list items. Is there any reason they should be retained? The only thing I can think of is for some future functionality (but that seems like a poor practice, no?)


  • Is there any reason they should be retained?

    Unless there are any items in the Grid that sets the Grid.Row attached property to either 2 or 3 you could remove them unless you want the top two (the only two) rows to fill only 50% of the Grid's total height.

    A RowDefinition has a default height of Auto which means that the available space will be divided equally among the number of <RowDefinition/> elements that you define. far as I can tell (by comparing screen shots) the extra rows make no difference to the appearance of the list items. Is there any reason they should be retained?


    The only thing I can think of is for some future functionality (but that seems like a poor practice, no?)

    Yes, then you might as well add them later.