Hello I'm a beginner in JS and Oracle JET Framework.
I'm trying to implement a Panel Expand/Collapse item in my project (http://www.oracle.com/webfolder/technetwork/jet-310/jetCookbook.html?component=animation&demo=panelExpand) and I have this error I don't know why I followed the cookbook. Here is my code :
<div id="animationDemo">
<div id="panel" class="oj-panel oj-margin basepanel">
<h3>Panel Expand/Collapse Demo</h3>
<div>Primary Content</div>
<div id="extra-content" class="oj-panel oj-panel-alt2 childpanel">Extra Content</div>
<button class="oj-panel-resize-button"
data-bind="click: buttonClick,
ojComponent: {component: 'ojButton',
chroming: 'half',
display: 'icons',
icons: buttonIcons,
label: buttonLabel}"></button>
define(['ojs/ojcore', 'knockout', 'jquery', 'ojs/ojknockout', 'promise', 'ojs/ojtable', 'ojs/ojarraytabledatasource','ojs/ojbutton', 'ojs/ojanimation'], function(oj, ko, $) {
function CustomerViewModel() {
var self = this;
var panel = document.getElementById('panel');
var extra = document.getElementById('extra-content');
var initHeight = $(panel).css('height');
// Keep track of whether the element is expanded
self.expanded = false;
self.buttonIcons = ko.observable({end:'oj-panel-expand-icon'});
self.buttonLabel = ko.observable('expand');
self.buttonClick = function() {
if (self.expanded) {
// Call the collapse method, then hide the extra content when animation ends.
oj.AnimationUtils['collapse'](panel, {'endMaxHeight': initHeight}).then(function() {
extra.style.display = 'none';
self.expanded = false;
} else {
// Mark the extra content to be displayed, followed by a call to the expand method.
extra.style.display = 'block';
oj.AnimationUtils['expand'](panel, {'startMaxHeight': initHeight}).then(function() {
self.expanded = true;
self.connected = function() {
// Implement if needed
self.disconnected = function() {
// Implement if needed
self.transitionCompleted = function() {
self.hello2 = function() {
return new CustomerViewModel();
Thank you for your help
It's because the HTML hasn't loaded yet when it comes to these lines:
var panel = document.getElementById('panel');
var extra = document.getElementById('extra-content');
var initHeight = $(panel).css('height');
So their values become null.
Instead, you could call them only after the document has loaded using jQuery, like this:
var panel;
var extra;
var initHeight;
panel = document.getElementById('panel');
extra = document.getElementById('extra-content');
initHeight = $(panel).css('height');
Or if you want to do it the pure OJET way, you could do this:
var panel;
var extra;
var initHeight;
self.handleBindingsApplied = function(){
panel = document.getElementById('panel');
extra = document.getElementById('extra-content');
initHeight = $(panel).css('height');
is an internal method of an OJET Viewmodel that gets called automatically after the binding between the HTML and Viewmodel is complete.
You can read more about all the internal methods here.
P.S. don't forget to apply the CSS as well from the cookbook.