I've something like below.
var amount = "$1,000.99";
var formattedamount = string.Format("{0}{1}{0}", "\"", amount);
How can I achieve same using String interpolation?
I tried like below
var formattedamount1 = $"\"{amount}\"";
Is there any better way of doing this using string interpolation?
Is there any better way of doing this using string interpolation
No, this is just string interpolation, you cant make the following any shorter and more readable really
var formattedamount1 = $"\"{amount}\"";
Original answer
$ - string interpolation (C# Reference)
To include a brace, "{" or "}", in the text produced by an interpolated string, use two braces, "{{" or "}}". For more information, see Escaping Braces.
Quotes are just escaped as normal
string name = "Horace";
int age = 34;
Console.WriteLine($"He asked, \"Is your name {name}?\", but didn't wait for a reply :-{{");
Console.WriteLine($"{name} is {age} year{(age == 1 ? "" : "s")} old.");
He asked, "Is your name Horace?", but didn't wait for a reply :-{
Horace is 34 years old.