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Calling procedures from another assembly file without warning message

I have 2 files:


.model small
.stack 100h
global print ;######4######
    MOV AX, @data
    MOV DS, AX

        print proc ;expects information from DX
        MOV AH,9
        INT 21h

    MOV AH, 4ch
    INT 21h
END main


.model small
.stack 100h

    str1 DB 'hello $'

    EXTRN print:far

    MOV AX, @data
    MOV DS, AX

    MOV DX, OFFSET str1
    CALL print

    MOV AH, 4ch
    INT 21h
END main

I tried to figure out how to link the two files using this explanation but it is for NASM, while I am using TASM and I had a problem.
I linked both files, but while assembling m2 I got a warning :

global type doesn't match symbol : PRINT.

I tried to remove line 4 , but then I couldn't link m1, m2 and recieved a warning :

undefined symbol PRINT in module M1.ASM

I also tried to remove the keyword far from the m1.asm file... no use either.

My question is how to remove the warning and be able to link the two files?


  • Just give the symbol a consistent typing.
    The easiest approach is to use PROC to let the assembler pick up the correct type:


    GLOBAL print: PROC


    EXTRN print: PROC

    Otherwise, you can declare the symbol with type NEAR or FAR (use it in place of PROC), just be sure to properly define the function too (e.g. print PROC FAR).

    For a complete list of types, see chapter 5 of the TASM manual.