I'm writing a mobile app with Xamarin, so I need a policy to retry network requests. The API that my app calls provides a JWT that expires, so I need to automatically reauthenticate if the relevant response is received. This seems like it should be trivial with Polly, and the Polly wiki even says it's trivial, but I can't get it to work.
The ultimate goal is:
Here's my code. If the response is successful, this works correctly. It also retries as necessary for network failures. The problem is that when a 401 is received, that response is always returned from the policy. The reauthentication is called and returns successfully, but Polly breaks there--the original request isn't retried, and the original 401 response is returned.
// example
var result = await RetryPolicy.ExecuteAndCaptureAsync(() => _client.SendAsync(request));
// policies
public static PolicyWrap<HttpResponseMessage> RetryPolicy
get => WaitAndRetryPolicy.WrapAsync(ReAuthPolicy);
private static IAsyncPolicy WaitAndRetryPolicy
get => Policy
.WaitAndRetryAsync(4, _ => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2));
private static IAsyncPolicy<HttpResponseMessage> ReAuthPolicy
get => Policy
.HandleResult<HttpResponseMessage>(x => x.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized)
.RetryAsync(retryCount: 1, onRetryAsync: (_, __) => App.CoreService.LogInWithSavedCredsAsync(true));
Turns out my code was correct after all, I just wasn't setting the authorization credentials properly in my LogInWithSavedCredentials