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Count occurrences of strings just once per row in Google Sheets

I have strings of spreadsheet data that need counting by 'type' but not instance.

   A   B C D
 1 Lin 1 2 1
 2 Tom 1 4 2
 3 Sue 3 1 4

The correct sum of students assigned to teacher 1 is 3, not 4. That teacher 1 meets Lin in lessons B and D is irrelevant to the count.

I borrowed a formula which works in Excel but not in Google Sheets where I and others need to keep and manipulate the data.


  A   B C D E 
2 Lin 1 2 1
3 Tom 1 4 2
4 Sue 3 1 4
5           1 [exact string being searched for, ie a teacher name]

I don't know what is not being understood by Google Sheets in that formula. Does anyone know the correct expression to use, or a more efficient way to get the accurate count I need, without duplicates within rows inflating the count?


  • So this is the mmult way, which works by finding the row totals of students assigned to teacher 1 etc., then seeing how many of the totals are greater than 0.




    Also works in Excel if entered as an array formula without the ArrayFormula wrapper.

    A specific Google Sheets one can be quite short


    counting the unique rows containing a match.

    Note - I am subtracting 1 in the last formula above because I am assuming there is at least one zero (non-match) which should be ignored. This would fail in the extreme case where all students in all classes are assigned to the same teacher so you have a matrix (e.g.) of all 1's. This would be more theoretically correct:
