I want to create a mobile app using angular4. I have created an angular project using angular CLI now I want to use/implement cordova plugin in my angular project. How to do so without using IONIC framework?
For eg: I want to use cordova network information plugin to get the state of current network in my app.
You should install and integrate your angular project with cordova (it's doable without IONIC).
I recomend to read these articles .
1) https://www.becompany.ch/en/blog/2016/10/19/creating-apache-cordova-app-with-angular2 .
2) https://www.becompany.ch/en/blog/2017/05/31/update-angular-cli-and-apache-cordova
And use this repo as an example (cordova-integration
It's a bit old, but I'm using this approach for my Angular+Cordova projects even with Angular 5+.
There you can add any existing plugins to Cordova app.
UPDATE: To use some plugin in TS file you should declare that variable in the file as on example below:
declare const PushNotifications;
And check it is it existing and use:
if (window['PushNotification']) {
Smth like that.