So I'm trying to have my application send a string to a text file every minute, So in my Global.asax.cs file I have this setup:
public class Startup
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
public class HeartbeatSetup
public static void Heartbeat()
var config = new NLog.Config.LoggingConfiguration();
var logFile = new NLog.Targets.FileTarget() { FileName = "heartbeat.txt", Name = "logfile" };
config.LoggingRules.Add(new NLog.Config.LoggingRule("*", LogLevel.Trace, logFile));
NLog.LogManager.Configuration = config;
var logger = NLog.LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
var currentTime = DateTime.Now.ToString();
RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate("heartbeat", () => logger.Trace("Test"), Cron.Minutely);
So this create the job ok and runs every minute, but the job does not complete and throws the following error:
No parameterless constructor defined for this object
Does anyone have a solution to this or an alternative method of doing this?
So I fixed this by referencing another static method created below:
public class HeartbeatSetup
public static NLog.Logger logger = NLog.LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
public static void Heartbeat()
RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate("heartbeat", () => Fire(), Cron.Minutely);
catch (Exception ex)
logger.Fatal(ex, "error");
public static void Fire()
var config = new NLog.Config.LoggingConfiguration();
var logFile = new NLog.Targets.FileTarget("logfile") { FileName = "heartbeat.txt" };
config.AddRule(NLog.LogLevel.Info, NLog.LogLevel.Fatal, logFile);
NLog.LogManager.Configuration = config;
var currentTime = DateTime.Now.ToString();
logger.Info(currentTime + " - beep");
catch (Exception ex)
logger.Fatal(ex + " - beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep");