There is a hierarchy
class Thing { }
class BarView<Type> extends React.Component<{ obj: Type }, {}> { }
class FlossView extends BarView<Thing> { }
class Foo<Type> {
renderer?: new () => BarView<Type>
constructor(view?: new () => BarView<Type>) {
this.renderer = view
Why can I call the constructor of Foo
with class name signature and not have any error like this
let foo = new Foo<Thing>(FlossView)
... while the following code produces an error?
let foo = new Foo<Thing>()
foo.renderer = FlossView
/* [ts]
Type 'typeof FlossView' is not assignable to type 'BarView<Thing> | undefined'.
Type 'typeof FlossView' is not assignable to type 'BarView<Thing>'.*/
How do I get the not typeof FlossView
version of the class, but just FlossView
Case closed. The signature is invalid, the most-base class React.Component
has never ever had a constructor of type new () => React.Component
Figures, there is only a constructor with one parameter, props
And thus the type declaration of renderer
property is invalid. It should be
renderer?: new (props) => BarView<Type>