What i am doing is as below. 1st apoc.do.when happily consumes line variable, but when the cypher reach (WITH value.r AS r, line ) I got breaking code with error Neo.ClientError.Statement.SyntaxError: Variable line not defined
The Cypher execution fails with this error Neo.ClientError.Statement.SyntaxError: Variable line not defined (line 12, column 20 (offset: 469)) "WITH value.r AS r, line " ^
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///the-file-name.csv" as
with line as line
WHERE n.region contains "BLANKEMPTYVIDE" AND n.identifier= line.CODE_TER
with n
CALL apoc.do.when(
'MERGE (r:Region{region: line.TERRITOIRE}) ON CREATE SET r.description=line.TERRITOIRE ON CREATE SET r.identifier=line.CODE_TER ON CREATE SET r.id = toString(id(r)) RETURN r',
'RETURN n AS r',
{}) YIELD value
WITH value.r AS r, line
SET r.identifier=line.CODE_TER
SET r.description=line.TERRITOIRE
SET r.region=line.TERRITOIRE
WITH r,line
OPTIONAL MATCH (ci:City) where ci.cityName contains "BLANKEMPTYVIDE" AND ci.regionIdentifier= line.CODE_TER
CALL apoc.do.when(
'MERGE (c:City {cityName:line.BRICK}) ON CREATE SET c.identifier=line.CODE_BRICK ON CREATE SET c.region=line.TERRITOIRE ON CREATE SET c.regionIdentifier=line.CODE_TER ON CREATE SET c.zip=line.CODE_BRICK ON CREATE SET c.description=line.BRICK ON CREATE SET c.id = toString(id(c)) RETURN c',
'RETURN ci AS c',
{}) YIELD value
WITH value.c AS c,line,r
SET c.identifier=line.CODE_BRICK
SET c.region=line.TERRITOIRE
SET c.regionIdentifier=line.CODE_TER
SET c.zip=line.CODE_BRICK
SET c.description=line.BRICK
SET c.cityName=line.BRICK
WITH c,r,line
MATCH (c {identifier:line.CODE_BRICK}),(r {identifier:line.CODE_TER})
MERGE (c)-[:IS_A_City_BELONGING_TO]->(r)
WITH c,r,line
WHERE sec.description contains "BLANKEMPTYVIDE" AND sec.regionIdentifier=line.CODE_TER
CALL apoc.do.when(
sec IS NULL,
'MERGE (s:Sector {sectorName:line.SOUSBRICK}) ON CREATE SET s.identifier=line.CODE_SBRICK ON CREATE SET s.region=line.TERRITOIRE ON CREATE SET s.regionIdentifier=line.CODE_TER ON CREATE SET s.city=line.BRICK ON CREATE SET s.cityIdentifier=line.CODE_BRICK ON CREATE SET s.description=line.SOUSBRICK ON CREATE SET s.zip=line.SOUSBRICK ON CREATE SET s.id = toString(id(s)) RETURN s',
'RETURN sec AS s',
{}) YIELD value
WITH value.s AS s,line,c,r
SET s.identifier=line.CODE_SBRICK
SET s.region=line.TERRITOIRE
SET s.regionIdentifier=line.CODE_TER
SET s.city=line.BRICK
SET s.cityIdentifier=line.CODE_BRICK
SET s.description=line.SOUSBRICK
SET s.zip=line.SOUSBRICK
SET s.sectorName = line.SOUSBRICK
WITH s,c,r,line
MATCH (s {identifier:line.CODE_SBRICK}),(r{identifier:line.CODE_TER})
WITH s,c,r,line
MATCH (s {identifier:line.CODE_SBRICK}),(c{identifier:line.CODE_BRICK})
the-file-name.csv is on the previous question How to make the Cypher request to handle those both cases without duplicating Nodes
Here I put The update from the advice of cybersam and Dave Thank you very much for you both.
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///the-file-name.csv" as line
with line as line
WHERE n.region contains "BLANKEMPTYVIDE" AND n.identifier= line.CODE_TER
WITH n, line
CALL apoc.do.when(
'MERGE (r:Region{region: line.TERRITOIRE}) ON CREATE SET r.description=line.TERRITOIRE ON CREATE SET r.identifier=line.CODE_TER ON CREATE SET r.id = toString(id(r)) RETURN r',
'RETURN n AS r',
{n: n, line: line}) YIELD value
WITH value.r AS r, line
SET r.identifier=line.CODE_TER
SET r.description=line.TERRITOIRE
SET r.region=line.TERRITOIRE
WITH r,line
OPTIONAL MATCH (ci:City) where ci.cityName contains "BLANKEMPTYVIDE" AND ci.regionIdentifier= line.CODE_TER
CALL apoc.do.when(
'MERGE (c:City {cityName:line.BRICK}) ON CREATE SET c.identifier=line.CODE_BRICK ON CREATE SET c.region=line.TERRITOIRE ON CREATE SET c.regionIdentifier=line.CODE_TER ON CREATE SET c.zip=line.CODE_BRICK ON CREATE SET c.description=line.BRICK ON CREATE SET c.id = toString(id(c)) RETURN c',
'RETURN ci AS c',
{ci: ci, line: line}) YIELD value
WITH value.c AS c,line,r
SET c.identifier=line.CODE_BRICK
SET c.region=line.TERRITOIRE
SET c.regionIdentifier=line.CODE_TER
SET c.zip=line.CODE_BRICK
SET c.description=line.BRICK
SET c.cityName=line.BRICK
WITH c,r,line
MATCH (c {identifier:line.CODE_BRICK}),(r {identifier:line.CODE_TER})
MERGE (c)-[:IS_A_City_BELONGING_TO]->(r)
WITH c,r,line
WHERE sec.description contains "BLANKEMPTYVIDE" AND sec.regionIdentifier=line.CODE_TER
CALL apoc.do.when(
sec IS NULL,
'MERGE (s:Sector {sectorName:line.SOUSBRICK}) ON CREATE SET s.identifier=line.CODE_SBRICK ON CREATE SET s.region=line.TERRITOIRE ON CREATE SET s.regionIdentifier=line.CODE_TER ON CREATE SET s.city=line.BRICK ON CREATE SET s.cityIdentifier=line.CODE_BRICK ON CREATE SET s.description=line.SOUSBRICK ON CREATE SET s.zip=line.SOUSBRICK ON CREATE SET s.id = toString(id(s)) RETURN s',
'RETURN sec AS s',
{sec: sec, line: line}) YIELD value
WITH value.s AS s,line,c,r
SET s.identifier=line.CODE_SBRICK
SET s.region=line.TERRITOIRE
SET s.regionIdentifier=line.CODE_TER
SET s.city=line.BRICK
SET s.cityIdentifier=line.CODE_BRICK
SET s.description=line.SOUSBRICK
SET s.zip=line.SOUSBRICK
SET s.sectorName = line.SOUSBRICK
WITH s,c,r,line
MATCH (s {identifier:line.CODE_SBRICK}),(r{identifier:line.CODE_TER})
WITH s,c,r,line
MATCH (s {identifier:line.CODE_SBRICK}),(c{identifier:line.CODE_BRICK})
The result :
Set 28271 properties, created 3400 relationships, completed after 34985 ms.
It took nearby 35 sec to load csv to neo4j db. please is it right perfect in performance view ?
for a csv file containing 1665 csv lines each line contains 6 fields : two first fields for (Region) the third and fourth (City) and the fifth and sixth for (Sector).
In addition to @DaveBennett's answer, you also need to pass the appropriate parameters to the procedure. Right now, you are passing an empty map, {}
For example, your first call to apoc.do.when
should be specifying {n: n, line: line}
. Your other calls also need to be adjusted appropriately.