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Choosing different header file depending on instructions from Makefile

I am trying to reorganize someone's code and I seem to have hit a wall. I have a function int fnc() in fnc.c that is called by either main1.c or main2.c. An executable is compiled from either main1.c or main2.c using a makefile:

main1: main1.o fnc.o
    gcc main1.o fnc.o -o main1.x

main2: main2.o fnc.o
    gcc main2.o fnc.o -o main2.x

main1.o: main1.c
    gcc -c main1.c

main2.o: main2.c
    gcc -c main2.c

    gcc -c fnc.c

The only problem is, there are two header files header1.h and header2.h to be included in the preamble of fnc.c depending on whether main1.x or main2.x is compiled:

#include "header1.h"

int fnc(){
    // do stuff

Is it possible to select which header to be loaded depending on whether one types make main1 or make main2?


  • You can use the -D compiler flag to define a symbol that will be visible to preprocessor. And then to check it with the preprocessor #ifdef directive. Such as:


    main1: main1.o fnc1.o
        gcc main1.o fnc1.o -o main1.x
    main2: main2.o fnc2.o
        gcc main2.o fnc2.o -o main2.x
    main1.o: main1.c
        gcc -c main1.c
    main2.o: main2.c
        gcc -c main2.c
        gcc -o fnc1.o -c fnc.c -DCONFIG1
        gcc -o fnc2.o -c fnc.c -DCONFIG2

    And your source:

    #ifdef CONFIG1
    #include "header1.h"
    #elif defined(CONFIG2)
    #include "header2.h"
    #error "blah"
    int fnc(){
        // do stuff
    • Note - this is neither tested nor an optimal solution. Just giving the idea