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implementing authentication in Elixir Phoenix Absinthe GraphIQL client?

I use the built-in GraphiQL interface in Absinthe. As follows:

  pipeline :browser do
    plug RemoteIp, headers: ~w[x-forwarded-for], proxies: ~w[]
    plug :accepts, ["html", "json"]
    plug :fetch_session
    plug :fetch_flash
    plug :protect_from_forgery
    plug :put_secure_browser_headers

  scope "/graphiql" do
    pipe_through :browser # Use the default browser stack

    forward "/", Absinthe.Plug.GraphiQL,
            schema: ApiWeb.Schema,
            default_headers: {__MODULE__, :graphiql_headers},
            context: %{pubsub: ApiWeb.Endpoint}

  def graphiql_headers(conn) do
      "X-CSRF-Token" => Plug.CSRFProtection.get_csrf_token(),

I need the end-user to insert an Authentication: Bearer <JWT> in the interface, and then need to unwrap it for the sub: header, which contains my user id, which I need to use in the resolvers.

The user can configure custom headers, that's no problem. If he then executes a GraphSQL query, the interface will issue a POST to the /graphiql endpoint. It is at this point I want to invoke a few plugins which check the JWT and retrieve user info.

I thought I could use the default_headers option, but that seems only to be invoked during GET requests.

It seems I need different pipelines for GET and POST to the /graphiql endpoint, how do I accomplish that? I must be doing something wrong...

Note that if I use the same pipeline for GET and POST, the JWT will already be checked on just visiting the endpoint in the browser, which I don't want.


  • Yes, actually I did the following:

      pipeline :authenticate_on_post_only do
        plug ApiWeb.Plugs.Authenticate, post_only: true
      scope "/graphiql" do
        pipe_through [:browser, :authenticate_on_post_only]
        forward "/", Absinthe.Plug.GraphiQL,
                schema: ApiWeb.GraphQL,
                socket: ApiWeb.GraphQLSocket

    combined with:

    defmodule ApiWeb.Plugs.Authenticate do
      use Plug.Builder
      alias ApiWeb.Helpers.JWT
      plug Joken.Plug, verify: &JWT.verify/0, on_error: &JWT.error/2
      plug ApiWeb.Plugs.Subject
      plug Backend.Plug.Session
      def call(%Plug.Conn{method: "POST"} = conn, opts) do
        conn = super(conn, opts) # calls the above plugs
        put_private(conn, :absinthe, %{context: conn})  # for absinthe (GraphQL), for resolvers to re-use
      def call(conn, opts) do
        if opts[:post_only] do
          super(conn, opts) # calls the above plugs

    Of course you can use any of your own authentication plugs, instead of the ones I listed.

    I also had a REST API in the same module, which I used as follows:

      scope "/v1", ApiWeb do
        pipe_through :api
        <my resources here>

    with the api pipeline defined as:

      pipeline :api do
        plug :put_resp_content_type, "application/json"
        plug :accepts, ["json"]
        plug ApiWeb.Plugs.Authenticate

    which would authenticate on any type of HTTP request.