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glTexImage2D: got err pre :( 0x506 internal 0x1908 format 0x1908 type 0x1401

When running my emulator with Android Studio I can't see anything on the emulator screen (everything is black). I get the following Event Log:

Emulator:glTexImage2D: got err pre :( 0x506 internal 0x1908 format 0x1908 type 0x1401

I already tried to clean the project and rebuild it but nothing happened. I think it's something related just with the emulator.

Does anyone know what's going on?


  • Yes, it's all about the emulator.

    Go to Tools > AVD manager > (Edit a specific Virtual Device) > Select Cold boot

    Then run again your project with that AVD. Close the session and set again Quick boot in Boot option.