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Advantages of NOT versioning .dproj

I read in a blog about Version Insight ( that (among others) JCL doesn't have its .dproj files under version control and i was wondering what the advantages of that would be.

Especially since me and my collegue developer often "bug" each other with checking in project files with our own favorite debug settings (he likes optimization on, I want it off). And because of the regular hick ups of Delphi 2007 that screw up the dproj file with all kinds of faulty dependencies. Does not versioning help in anyway with these things?

We are using Starteam as our VCS at the moment.


  • I store, in my .dproj files, settings that are used by msbuild for my build process. For example, conditional defines, compiler settings, etc. If you do the same then you need to version them.

    If you are using a version of Delphi where the IDE breaks the .dproj file on a regular basis, then surely revision control will help you fight back.

    I can't see any advantage in not versioning them.