I am following this android droid charts tutorial ...
At one point he does this
setContentView(new XYLineChart(getApplicationContext()));
I want to specify an xml layout and then add this view to it ... How can I do that ? ...
Create an xml file 'linearlayoutgraph'.
Then use the following code to call setContentView using this layout, while also adding other Views/Graph to it:
public class Graph extends Activity{
LinearLayout linearlayout;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
linearlayout = (LinearLayout) View.inflate(this, R.layout.linearlayoutgraph, null);
ContentValues datasetDescription = new ContentValues();
//add your graph
xyLineChart mView = new xyLineChart(this, datasetDescription, createDataset());
//create data
private XYDataset createDataset()