I have these two functions, where "form" is the name of the Vue object:
This is the code of said functions:
setSizeChart: function () {
for (i = 0; i < this.columns.length; i++) {
position_x: 0,
position_y: i,
value: this.columns[i],
for (j = 0; j < this.data.length; j++) {
for (var key in this.data[j]) {
if(key === this.columns[i]) {
position_x: j+1,
position_y: i,
value: this.data[j][key],
sizeChartAsImage: function() {
html2canvas($("#size-chart").get(0)).then(canvas => {
canvas.toBlob (blob => {
var sizechartImg = document.createElement('img');
url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
sizechartImg.src = url;
this.product.size_chart_image = sizechartImg;
}, 'image/png');
Nevertheless, the second function get executed first (debugger enters first) and then the rest of the code runs; the form is submitted, and lastly, sizeChartAsImage() gets executed, causing no effect (since the form was submitted with "size_chart_image" as null)
This is what I'm trying to render, and it does generate the image.
Could it be because it's a Vue component? Performance issues? Or do I need to use a callback maybe?
It's because html2canvas($("#size-chart").get(0))
is returning a promise (maybe just a thenable), which is an async call.
So sizeChartAsImage will run, and html2canvas($("#size-chart").get(0))
will execute. While the script is waiting for that to return it'll continue to setSizeChart function and run it. And then it'll return to the code within the then(canvas =>
You could either call setSizeChart at the end of the callback. Or, if you're using ES2017 or greater, you could re-write sizeChartAsImage to be async and await it.