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By using Bootstrap 4, how to toggle a div whose parent div is hidden under the certain resolution?

When it's on the large screen, I have a navigation div which contains another five sub divs serving as five different navigation sections, like

enter image description here

I gave the navigation div class="d-none d-lg-block" so that this whole thing will only show at large screen and above and hide when it's smaller than the large screen.

However, on the smaller screens, I have created another div that contains some buttons which I hope they could toggle those navigation sections, like

enter image description here

when I click on Div1, I want the content Item1 and Item2 in Div1 to be toggled.

But just giving the section an id="div1" and class="navbar-toggler", data-toggle="collapse" and data-target="#div1" wouldn't make this happen. I also tried giving the div display: block when it's at a smaller resolution to no avail.

I have a fiddle here:

What could be a good way to solve this problem elegantly?



  • In the provided code it's not possible to show a menu in a parent, which is hidden explicitly with a class .container.d-none.d-lg-block.

    I suggest you restructure the whole html:

    1. there's no need for extra submenu toggle divs .small-screen-div at all, toggling for submenus can be assigned to .nav-block-title. hence we move d-none.d-lg-block classes to the submenu themselves (changing d-lg-block to d-lg-inline-block accordingly)

      <div class="nav-block-section">
        <div class="nav-block-title d-inline-block ml-0"><a data-toggle="collapse" href="#div3">Div3</a></div>
        <div class="collapse nav-block-navs d-none d-lg-inline-block" id="div3">
      <div class="pb-2">
        <a href="#">Item1</a>
        <a href="#">Item2</a>
        <a href="#">Item3</a>
        <a href="#">Item4</a>
        <a href="#">Item1</a>
        <a href="#">Item2</a>
        <a href="#">Item3</a>
        <a href="#">Item4</a>

    2. in this case data-toggle="collapse" need a small adjustment in css, to allow display switching no matter what media query is now.

       @media (max-width:991px) { {
         display:inline-block !important;
